
Trauma, Incident & Limiting Belief Clearing DIGITAL MANDALA

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Trauma, Incident & Limiting Belief Clearing DIGITAL MANDALA

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This field clears all traumas and incidents, resulting in the removal of limiting beliefs, negative subconsciousness beliefs and fears, and results in a higher, more clear awareness level, and higher level of consciousness.

Clear all traumas and incidents resulting from:

- physical violence against the body, severe accidents, illness

- emotional trauma (harassment, embarrassment, humiliation, deprivation)

- social traumas (slander, ex-communication, divorce, poverty)

- spiritual/religious traumas

- any form of unconsciousness (including surgery)

- prenatal development incidents (incidents before birth)

- ancestral line content (incidents passed on from ancestors)

- witnessing (observing or experiencing murder, rape, robbery, fighting, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc)

- picked up from other people (this is common with empaths)

For every trauma and incident, clear:

- thoughts and decisions (what decisions/postulates you made because of the incident)

- emotions and feelings (what you felt during the incident or because of the incident)

- actions and impulses to move, and your body language (during the incident)

- bodily sensations (what you physically felt during the incident, or feel after the incident as somatics)

Clear all of these elements on the following levels:

- this lifetime or another (all possible lifetimes that each incident has occurred) - “physical energy”

- it’s counterpart in a previous or different universe (every incident is stored in this universe and others) - “mental energy”

- it’s third counterpart, not in any universe entirely - “spiritual energy”

What are traumas and incidents?

Traumas are painful incidents or events that place a large amount of stress on the mind. As a result, a person decides that he or she must never resist the incident - as it would be too painful. At the time of an incident or trauma, a person also makes other decisions - usually both about others, and about themselves. This creates limiting beliefs, such as “I’m not good enough” or “it’s not safe to trust others”. Many traumas also result in phobias - such as the fear of heights, or fear of guns, etc - and can even cause psychological issues such as schizophrenia. Many traumas result in bad habits to avoid feelings of panic and anxiety.- such as cigarette smoking, using drugs, alcohol, biting nails, eating disorders, stuttering, and many other symptoms.

This also results in a personal no longer functioning at full brain capacity. The reason is that part of the brain processing mechanism is shut down, or altered in some way. This is also due to lost “attention units” which is explained in the next section.

Traumas, incidents and unconsciousness result in the following:

- stuck patterns, subconscious beliefs and programs

- unconsciousness in present time / lost “attention units”

- present time health problems, pains, aches

Healing reactions in energetic trauma release:

There may be healing reactions during trauma release, also known as purification reactions, healing crisis, reversals, retracing, exacerbations, aggravations, or flare-ups. This is simply a part of trauma release and will pass. The “requirements” listed above, such as nutrition, sleep and grounding, will assist in trauma release without healing reactions. 

This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas.

To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link: https://maitreyafields.gumroad.com/p/faq-frequently-asked-questions-a07ee11c-6d5e-4e41-9ba1-aedddd0af7f5

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