DM: Fohat Connection & Fohat Fire

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Fohat is an etheric, bio-electric consciousness from which all physical reality or matter is created. In effect Fohat is God consciousness that is the building material from which the tangible Universe is created - it is the primordial force or vitality which links spirit and matter in the process of manifestation. It is the prana, or life force, of the universe. The entire Universe is simply  "Fohat materialized as a thoughtform" of the Divine Spirit. Fohat Energy is a powerful part of God Consciousness that provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. Fohat is not only the container for the Universal Force, but it is a living, thinking and feeling Entity. This Entity responds to the "Spoken Word" and imposes its will upon beings of cosmic, human and terrestrial origin.  Fohat has a cosmic consciousness operating at every “level” of the cosmos and links each plane to the other; spirit to mind and mind to matter. This field helps you to invoke and consciously connect to the power of Fohat and the Fohat fire, which is already within you and everything in the universe, utilizing its power towards your manifestations, energy work and any intentions you may have.

How can Fohat help you? Some of its attributes include:

Once you connect to it, fohat will continue to work on resolving issues and healing problem areas spontaneously without you having to do anything.
Healing is gentle and you hardly know it is happening.
Works with relationship issues to bring harmony where there is conflict.
Releases stress and brings in the sense of being loved.
Spontaneously provides wisdom, knowledge and guidance to help you on your life path.
Provides comfort and feelings of peace.
It stabilizes a person's energy system and gives it an overall boost.
Awakens creativity. It can be used to correct a negative self image, lack of imagination, and an inability to initiate new things.  
Helps you to understand God’s messages that clears away confusion, make the right life choices, and obtain the confidence you need to act on those choices including communicating your choices effectively to other people.
Burns away addiction, negative attitudes such as arrogance or shame or unhealthy habits such as spending too much money and getting into debt or gossiping about others that are slowing down your spiritual growth.
Helps you develop the communication skills you need to speak, write, and listen successfully. The result is that your personal relationships and your work on the job gets better because you can better understand what people are trying to communicate to you and they can better understand you
If you’re working on an artistic project, fohat White Fire can motivate you  to create something that resonates in people’s souls when they see it.
If you’re trying to become a better parent, Fohat can bring in the wisdom and strength that you need to have to raise your children well.
The Fohat Fire (also called Fire of the Phoenix) burns away the old Lower Self Consciousness, making way for the new Higher Self Consciousness. Fohat opens your neural pathways, and transmutes all negative energy to open your Multi-Dimensional Communication Channels.
Fohat Fire is a powerful force capable of bringing real changes in your life. If you use it properly, you will see positive changes that will begin at the spiritual level, and from there will affect you on the mental, emotional and physical levels. Changes take place on the deepest level, in the cellular DNA - it actually creates transformation on a spiritual DNA level, resulting in changes that are manifested in your everyday life.
The Fohat Fire works with the Higher Self to be directed through your 4 body system - mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, to burn away all negative disturbances, thoughts, emotions, entanglements, and entity attachments - creating space and energy for your manifestations to take place simply through your own power of intention, feeling and visualization.

This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas.

To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:

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Last updated Jun 16, 2023

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DM: Fohat Connection & Fohat Fire

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