DM: SBR Part 3: No More
This digital mandala has been created according to the beliefs and principles of the Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing.
Removes all types of subconscious blockage and prevents them from coming back at the same time. For example, many had the experience where they used any subconscious blockage removal audio and got decent results but after they stopped using them the same type of thought pattern came back over and over. This can happen for various reasons. But the main reason is the cycle of our own thought patterns.
One can never change unless they are able to grasp the concept and free themselves from the cycle of those patterns. This digital mandala helps to identify those patterns and break yourself free from them. It also reprograms your conscious and subconscious mind in such a way that you will be free from it over time automatically.
For example,e many blocks can be created due to past experiences and overthinking or other reasons. This DM will help you to get rid of those memories and obsessive thoughts that can create a negative image or mindset into your subconscious mind. And we have the same experience over and over because we “subconsciously” desire to experience the same thing again and again. Because our subconscious mind believes that it’s our comfort zone and tries to keep us in that zone. However, to end the cycle one must put conscious effort in themselves. So this audio brings those thoughts into your conscious mind so that you can understand the root of the problem and completely destroy them.