DM: Saint Basil the Great’s Exorcism Prayers

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Saint Basil the Great’s Exorcism Prayers

Some of the most powerful prayers there are for exorcism are the prayers of Saint Basil the Great and especially his three prayers of interdiction. It is very difficult to find their text, especially in English, outside of specialized religious libraries. They are originally meant to be read by a priest to a victim of demonic attacks. The prayers banish evil entities and destroy black magic influence.

Saint Basil was born in 330 AD in Caesarea and is to this day one of the most revered fathers of the early Church. He served as a bishop of Caesarea and was highly esteem theologian. Basil was known for his care of the poor and underprivileged. Around his church, he built a hospital for the poor, workshops for the disabled, orphanage, school, etc. In his written works he stresses the complete equality of both genders, both in the image of God, endowed with the same honour and dignity, in perfect equality. Saint Basil received his formal education in Caesarea and after his baptism, he traveled to Palestine, Egypt, Syria, and Mesopotamia to study ascetics. He has left many writings and prayers. 

This field has been created to offer instant complete protection and release of negative entities or the effects of dark magic, by carrying the essence of the three most powerful of St.Basil’s banishing prayers used for exorcism. Specifically, the name of Beelzebub (who is also known as Baal) is mentioned and banished along with his servants. If a daemon is using another person to lie and deceive you, through Saint Basil’s Prayer, this is stopped. There is a special mention of all types and modes of magic and daemonic attacks. Some of them are: When one is spoken to by a daemon during the night, or in a deep sleep, deceiving them into accepting agreements with them or in other ways, or making them feel and act in destructive and negative ways by inducing evil feelings or wrong thoughts in the person, threatening them or causing fears, creating and stimulating improper sexual attraction, or causing delusions, or daemons scaring them by appearing in a reptilian form or other forms, including as people, or even smoke or vapour, and many more. 

Here follows a part of one of the prayers: 

“Oh, Impure and criminal demon, subterranean, depraved, lying, hideous, visible in your shamelessness, invisible in your hypocrisy, wherever you are or go, whether you are Beelzebub himself, or that you produce an upheaval, or that you are serpentine or beastly, or as vapour, or as smoke you appear, or as male, or as female, or as reptile, or as bird, or nocturnal, or deaf, or dumb, or that you frighten with attack, or that you tear, or that you think evil, or that in deep sleep, or in sickness, or in weakness, or in laughter, or you make them wander, or that you cause lustful tears, or that you are promiscuous, or stinking, or lustful, or seductive with pleasure, or fond of poison, or make one mad with criminal love, or are a soothsayer, or a house charmer, or shameless, or quarrelsome, or fickle, or with of the month variable, or at some time variable, or morning, or noon, or midnight, or untimely, or by lightning, or met by chance, or sent by someone, or you have flown suddenly, or into the sea, or into a river, or from under the ground, or from a well, or from a pit, or from a thorn tree, or from a marsh, or from a reed, or from earth, or from a mountain, or from an unclean place, or from a grove, or from a forest, or from a tree, or from birds, or from thunder, or from a bath roof, or from a water bath, or from an idol grave, or from where we know or do not know, known or unknown, or from an unexpected place : Go away!”

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Last updated Jun 16, 2023

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DM: Saint Basil the Great’s Exorcism Prayers

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