DM: Chakra Cleansing

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This field has been created to clear your chakras from any blockages and stagnant energy. It charges them with pure Divine energy and balances them so that they work harmoniously together. 

The field will clear the nine energy centers and balance the channels that connect them, allowing a correct and smooth flow of energy in one’s system.

The nine chakras or major energy centers of the contemporary human are:

1. Root Centre-Responsible for endurance, change, growth, transformation, sustainability, stress
2. Sacral Centre-Responsible for your vital force, sexuality, creativity, reproduction
3. Spleen Centre-Responsible for instincts and survival, safety, values, self-confidence
4. Solar Plexus Centre-Responsible for emotions, moods, social awareness, spirit
5. Will Centre-Responsible for willpower, material world, determination, drive, feeling worthiness
6. Identity Centre-Responsible for knowing one’s identity, a direction in life, and love
7. Throat Centre-Responsible for communication, action, manifestation
8. Third Eye Centre-Responsible for practical concepts, ideas, theories, clairvoyance, seeing the truth
9. Crown Centre-Responsible for Divine inspiration and big ideas

The field will remove the lack of self-education mentality that can be described also as mental laziness. A state where one relies upon the opinions of others to form their own views without giving it any further thought or investigation, thus abdicating from the responsibility to think freely to the best of one’s abilities.  It will clear trauma and blockages from being ridiculed, from knowledge withholding, lack of support for one’s ideas, being brainwashed by exposure to fanatical religious beliefs or cults as well as trauma from any kind of violence-mental, emotional and physical. 

This field also has a feature to remove trauma from shaming, abuse, neglect,  betrayal, rejection, bullying, abandonment, ignored feelings, manipulation, poor bonding with parents, suppressed grief, and living in an authoritative household, where your true nature was not respected or allowed to blossom.

The field will clear third eye damage caused by lack of validation for your psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual gifts, and will heal the consequences of ridicule and denial of your truth.

This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas.

To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:

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Last updated Jun 16, 2023

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DM: Chakra Cleansing

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