Fast Manifestations + Luck and Abundance
This digital mandala is filled with Tremendous Luck, Abundance, and Unconditional Love.
Created for really fast Manifestations.
+ The vibration of the numbers:
1111 and 4444 (faster manifesting and grounding)
+ The vibration of the crystals:
Emerald Crystal, Moldavite Crystal
+ Subconsciousness beliefs clearing that interrupt your manifestations, like "I am not enough, I don't deserve this, I never can afford this". etc...
It makes your vibration at a higher speed, so watch your thoughts when you use it.
You will manifest fast!
This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas.
To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link: