DM: 6 Sacral Points Activation

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This field is designed to activate the energy points of life energy located around the sacral area. The human body has 8 main energy points, 6 of which are located in the sacral area, with one at the heart and one near the third eye in the head.

Using this field will activate the 6 main life energy points located in the pelvic area of the body. By using the field, the overall life energy and fire in the body will increase. Sexual energy, creativity, desires, and above all, the desire for life and movement will be heightened.

Various discomforts in the body can be resolved as well with the field since activating these points will cause more energy to flow from the first chakra up and will fill the 2 major channels-Ida and Pingala.

With the increase in energy throughout the system, improvements can be expected on an emotional and mental level, as well as an increase in the sensitivity and abilities of the individual.

Here are some more benefits:

Improved physical state: Activating the energy points can lead to better physical health by improving the flow of energy throughout the body. This can help to alleviate pain, improve digestion, and boost the immune system.

Enhanced spiritual connection: The activation of energy points can help to enhance one's spiritual connection and facilitate deeper meditation and introspection.

Increased intuition: As the energy points are activated, one's intuition and ability to connect with their inner guidance can be heightened.

Greater sense of balance: By balancing the energy flow throughout the body, individuals may experience a greater sense of balance in all areas of their life, including their emotions, thoughts, and relationships.

Increased creativity: With the activation of the sacral energy points, individuals may experience increased creativity and the ability to express themselves more freely.

Improved sexual energy and experience: The activation of the sacral energy points can lead to improved sexual function, energy, and desire. 

Enhanced overall well-being: By increasing the flow of energy throughout the body, individuals may experience an overall improvement in their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

 This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas.

To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:


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Last updated Jun 16, 2023

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DM: 6 Sacral Points Activation

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