DM: Comprehensive Resistance Dissolver 2.0

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Every human possesses an intricate web of resistances that can impede the journey towards self-improvement and personal growth. Our new and advanced "Comprehensive Resistance Dissolver 2.0" is designed to tackle these resistances at a multi-dimensional level.

Deeper Subconscious Engagement: This enhanced version delves even deeper than before. It targets not only the superficial resistances but also the deep-seated beliefs and fears that might hold an individual back.

Conscious Resistance Removal: Our conscious thoughts can often stand in the way of change. This field assists in dismantling those overt barriers, making the conscious mind more receptive to positive changes.

External World Resistance: Navigate the world with ease as this field removes unnecessary anger and resistance towards the external world events or circumstances that does not affect or concern you and are not in your power to change, nor you are meant to fight them according to your life path chosen by your Soul and Higher Self. Not fighting the wrong battles gives you a lot of extra energy and focus to fight your own battles and improve your life and the world in your own area of focus.

Self-Resistance Alleviation: Address self-doubt, self-criticism, and other forms of self-resistance, embracing self-love and self-confidence.

Interpersonal Resistance Mitigation: This tool aids in dissolving any resistance related to parents, siblings, friends, and society at large.

Resistance and Resentment Towards the Universal Creator: For many, there exists a hidden resistance or even resentment towards the Creator of the Universe, beyond religious contexts.

By addressing this, the following benefits unfold:

Higher Vibration: Align more closely with the positive frequencies of the universe.

Problem Resolution: Overcome challenges of all sorts - be it pain, trauma, conflicts with the environment, or interpersonal issues.

Enhanced Manifestation Capacity: Amplify your ability to manifest desires and intentions.

Brighter, Joyous Living: Experience a more cheerful life, a calmer mind, and an overall enhancement in mental and emotional well-being.

Holistic Integration: This version integrates all these aspects, providing a holistic approach to resistance removal. It ensures that every facet of an individual's life is covered, paving the way for unhindered personal growth.


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Last updated Sep 4, 2023

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DM: Comprehensive Resistance Dissolver 2.0

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