
DM: Emotional Replacer

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DM: Emotional Replacer

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This mandala is made to be very smart and understand your words and emotions so you can replace them easy with it. All the emotions from the diagram are included.

How to use:

Say: ACTIVATE Clear all feelings of Shame (insert any emotion name of your choice) now, and replace it with Unconditional Love for Myself (or whatever you need in this moment). 

Mandala doesn’t need to be deactivated, but you have to wait before starting a clearing process with other negative feeling. How much? This is different for anyone. When you feel it stop working, can activate it again with the same feeling (it will tap on deeper levels of it) or start with other feeling you want to clear from your system.  

This is Part 4 from Loving Series. 

This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas.

To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link: https://maitreyafields.gumroad.com/p/faq-frequently-asked-questions-a07ee11c-6d5e-4e41-9ba1-aedddd0af7f5

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