Profile PictureMaitreya Fields

DM: Attract а Soulmate v2 – The Fractal Partner

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Attract а Soulmate v2 – The Fractal Partner

This field has been designed to transfer you to a timeline where you find the most suitable and ideal partner for you. Many of you have probably performed manifestations, sought а partner who resonates with your soul, but they have not appeared yet. This digital mandala will immerse you in your golden timeline, where you find this partner. The partner you feel like is ‘the one’ could be from your soul or monad and then you have perfect harmony in every sphere of your life. This type of partner is also called a fractal partner-one that is from the same universal fractal, that shares the same consciousness patterns since the beginning of the universe, and with whom you experience the greatest harmony, heart opening, and expansion of your energy and consciousness. Such a person nourishes you for your highest good in all areas of your life - emotional, mental, and material. A partner who transforms you through love to reach your full potential.


How to use it?

The YouTube audio works automatically and immediately begins to seek your highest timeline to find your fractal partners (there may be more than one). The mandala does the same, but with it, you can set specific parameters that you want your partner to meet for a more specific manifestation. For example, if on this earth there are multiple incarnations of a soul that is dear and beloved to you, by setting your parameters and preferences, your manifestation will become more specific and accurate. To do this, you need to enter deep meditative state while holding the mandala or keeping it close to you (up to 30 centimeters from you), activate it additionally with the command "Activate" and visualize your preferred partner. When you visualize a partner that may include their appearance if this is important to you, but most importantly feel the way you want to feel when you are with them, the feelings of love, satisfaction, safety, excitement, or any other qualities and feelings you would like to have in your relationship. Also include the qualities you need them to have and the reciprocity of the relationship-you love them and they love you, they desire you and you also desire them, etc. Take your time and experience the state you would be in if the relationship has already manifested in your life right now, how you feel and how they are and how the relationship feels.

When you are done with creating the desired feeling and vision of the partnership and the both of you give the command "Transform". The mandala will remember your preference and instantly transfer you to the new reality. The process does not need to be repeated unless you feel the need to correct something specific that you have set. Carry the mandala within you and it will work automatically.

Do not get attached to the result, and if you can leave aside thoughts about when it will come, what it will be like, whether it has worked and so on. Trust the mandala and the energy of the Creator that what you have ordered is already coming towards you.

Keep in mind that both the YouTube audio and the mandala will seek the golden timeline where you are with your partner. Leave room and keep an open heart to the different possibilities that will come your way.

This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas.

To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:


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Last updated Jun 14, 2023

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DM: Attract а Soulmate v2 – The Fractal Partner

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