Profile PictureMaitreya Fields

DM: Take Back Your Power [upgraded version]

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Have you ever had an interaction with a person or a situation after which you felt like a different person, one you don't like? As if you have no control over yourself and your life? As if there's something strange about reality, but you can't quite explain what it is and you don't know what's happening to you?

After such interactions, even things like manifestations that used to happen effortlessly now stop. You develop blocks in your environment, face problems you didn't have before, and it feels as if the universe is playing tricks on you, throwing nasty obstacles your way.

At some point, you've gone from being a winner to a loser, and there's no conscious reason for this change. A feeling of victimhood and helplessness develops within you, which, no matter what you do, doesn't go away.

All these things can be caused by energetical hooks that other people place on you, consciously or unconsciously. These are like portals through which they have the ability to draw from your life energy, luck, and all other areas.

It's very typical for people who envy you and want to have "what you have" to do this, even unconsciously. But there are also people who do it consciously, creating major problems for the person from whom this energy is taken.

This energetically programmed field is designed to close these portals and energetically remove everything that connects you to these people, places, and situations.

The field contains programs that:

- Return your vital energy.
- Return your luck and what God has given you for your path.
- Return your fortune and creative energy.
- Return your knowledge, qualities, and skills.
- Return your strength and ability to cope.
- Remove all effects of this interaction from all energy bodies.
- Eliminate the possibility of this happening again.
- Remove the causes within you that allowed this to happen.

Upon purchase, you will receive a digital file of your chosen digital mandala. Please note that due to the nature of digital products, refunds cannot be offered once the file has been downloaded. We encourage you to review your selection carefully before finalizing your purchase to ensure it meets your needs and expectations.

This program is intended to provide general information and is not meant to influence medical or biological conditions. View this channel as a resource for information, available for your use as you see fit.

Enjoy your journey with Maitreya Fields! 

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The information provided to you is not examined or approved by FDA nor it’s meant to diagnose, treat or cure any condition. We do not offer medical advice, and the statements contain information to be used at your discretion. Please always consult your healthcare provider for any kind of medical treatment or advice. This program is intended to provide a general health benefit and it falls under the class I type. They are not meant to regulate any kind of medical or biological information as per FDA guidelines. This store and channel are just a source of information to you, and it does not provide any kind of diagnosis or treatment for medical conditions.

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Due to the nature of the products offered, namely digital files - audio, images, and video files that are downloaded to the personal device of the User after payment, the amounts paid for them are not refundable.

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Our responsibilities as a seller are fulfilled once we provided you with the specified file for download. We do not bear responsibility for lost files or files you fail to download. We do not provide storage of files and we are not responsible for storing your purchased files after the purchase was completed. We may discontinue any product at any time.

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Last updated May 26, 2024

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DM: Take Back Your Power [upgraded version]

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